How do I manage my insurance

To manage your insurance policies, log in to the Unum Insurance Client Hub and navigate to the Policy Management section. From there, you can view and

How can I submit and track claims?

To submit and track claims, simply log in to the Unum Insurance Client Hub and go to the Claims Processing section. You can submit claims online,

What benefits and coverage insights are available?

In the Unum Insurance Client Hub, you can access detailed coverage breakdowns, estimate out-of-pocket costs, and explore additional coverage options. Employers

How can I access my digital ID cards?

To access your digital insurance ID cards, log in to the Unum Insurance Client Hub and navigate to the Digital ID Cards

How do I manage employee policies and wellness tracking?

Employers can efficiently manage employee policies, billing, and wellness tracking through the Employer & HR Benefits Management section of the Unum Insurance Client Hub.

How can I get personalized notifications?

To receive personalized notifications, make sure you have enabled notifications in your account

How can I get help or support?

If you need assistance or support, our dedicated customer support


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